Registration Id:

Event: new name, new combination

Iconella densestriatata (Hust.) L.Denys in Diversity 16: 22. 9 Aug 2024
is new combination for Stenopterobia intermedia f. densestriata Hust. in Atlas Diatom.-Kunde Heft 71: t. 19, fig. 3. Sep 19121
1. Diagnosis: "ca. 28 Str[iae] in 10 µ[m]"
published in: Denys, L. , Packet, J., Leyssen, A. & Vanderhaeghe, F. 2024: The recent environmental history, attempted restoration and future prospects of a challenged Lobelia pond in northeastern Belgium. – Diversity 16: 487 [1-36]

Registration on 2024-08-14 13:27:49 +0200